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Bright Room

Sister Alexandra

I considered myself to be a “rock chick” since I was very young, dressing in black and wearing make up in the darkest colours I could find and even though my parents wouldn't allow me to get piercings, I would buy these clip on ones that would allow me to put them in my lip, nose, top corner of my ear and so on, to look as rebellious as I could. Every time something wrong would happen in my life I would find refuge and comfort myself with music, specially alternative rock and I used to love it when it was extra loud and the singer would shout instead of sing, drowning my sorrows and anger in their screams, I thought this was my life and I knew exactly how to handle it.
I had met sister Diana on various occasions since we were working on community projects and attending events but never really thought of her believes, until one day when I was walking home, for some reason I diverted in to a road towards the shops, didn't even need to buy anything but I just did and sister was just coming out of the shops. She invited me for a coffee at her house and I thought why not, we started sharing about our lives and sister talked about Jesus (I knew He was the son of God and God was up there in the sky nothing more). My background in a religious sense was unsettling since we've never really attended a particular church, when I was young I'd been to Catholic church a few times, my dad became Taoist for a couple of years and we followed it as much as we could but being a vegetarian was a struggle so we left it, with my mother we attended a few other churches like Pentecostal, Mormons and Christian but I never saw anything in any of them therefore became sceptic about religion, whenever Christian friends would invite me and my husband to their church I would sneer at their hypocrisy and turn it down but my husband would attend.
When sister Diana spoke I felt like a blind fold had been lifted off my eyes and wondered why the things she was saying made sense since these were the same things my husband, my mother and many others had told me before, but this time I understood, like wearing skulls and how they represented death, listening to rock and how this music gets a hold of you and can destroy you, I praise God for this day because He showed me the deep mud hole I was in and had no idea, Jesus pulled me out and made me His, as we prayed I felt I was being lifted up inside a bubble where I was safe, I saw glances of TV show characters I watched, their faces looked demonic and they were being yanked out of my mind like a video tape being fast forwarded. 
Usually when returning home I would blast on the radio whilst I did my housework, however that day I had no desire at all to turn it on, I got all clothing, scarfs, bags, rings, bracelets that had skulls on them and got rid of it. Thirsty for more I went back to sister's house a few days later, she explained to me about becoming born again and being baptised, then asked me if I would like to be baptised and even though I didn't fully understand what it meant I said YES, whilst she was filling the bathtub I asked myself “what am I doing?”, but a sense of relief and peace overcame me and I went ahead with it.
Since then I try to walk with the Lord, to have faith in all His teachings and even though I struggle many times either with understanding, submission or things of the flesh, I see how faithful Jesus is to me and never fails me. I praise His name onto the highest of all, Jesus Christ is my saviour, He is and always will be Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Amen!

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