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Bright Room


Apostle Diana

When I first met God, I did not know that God appeared to people or even spoke to people. When God appeared to me, I was a sinner (wrong doer), deep into sin. Doing everything that is against God. As a teenager I had ran away from home, I was looking for love that I could not seem to find. I was deep into sexual immorality and into sexual astrology, but God came to me and said, “You are my child and I love you.”...

Sister Alexandra

I considered myself to be a “rock chick” since I was very young, dressing in black and wearing make up in the darkest colours I could find and even though my parents wouldn't allow me to get piercings, I would buy these clip on ones that would allow me to put them in my lip, nose, top corner of my ear and so on, to look as rebellious as I could. Every time something wrong would happen in my life I would find refuge and comfort myself with music, specially alternative rock and I used to love it...

Sister Cynthia

Ever since I was a young girl, I had struggled with self- image issues, wanting to appear as someone I was not. I had attended different churches even a catholic church but I had just gone for the sake of going since everyone in the family was going to church, I never opened the Bible to just read because I saw it as something that was read on a Sunday. I also never called Jesus Christ God since I had never received that understanding. My relationship with God was like a game to me, because I would only worship Him...

Brother David

On the second coming of Mum Diana to Kenya, on the Saturday night me and my younger brother went to see her. After we got there, I went to talk to my sister then everyone else joined us, then lastly Mum Diana. While we were there, we interacted with one other and took some photos then, Mum Diana came directly to me and she said to me "I can feel the love of Jesus for you right now, Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you." ...

Sister Georgiana

I was born in an Orthodox family. When I was little, I practiced the normal rituals and I frequently attended the Orthodox Church with my middle sister, but after secondary school, I stopped. I remember when I was 27/28 years old the manager of the company where I worked asked me if I believed in God and I told him: “No, but I think there is something, otherwise how can we explain love?”...

Brother Jorge

I used to think of myself as a person who knew who God was, I was brought up in a traditional Catholic home, in a way that I always felt connected with God but I never knew him personally, I thought He was up in heaven so far away but always looking over me. When my family and I came to London, I became rebellious towards my parents and I even turned my back on God I thought that as long as I don’t harm anyone and if I went to church from time to time to confess I’ll be fine...

Sister Martha

Growing up, I was raised in a strict Christian household, but I never understood who God really was. Regardless, my mum used to dress me modestly, I didn’t understand why I had to dress up that way, while other girls did not.

I grew up with the notion that when I turned 18 years old, I would have freedom, and be able to do whatever I wanted. When I turned 18, I was temporarily adopted by my relatives, as it had befitted them. This is where my life changed, I received all the freedom I wanted, taking on the lifestyle of my relatives, which was “carefree” (partying, drinking, dressing immodestly etc.) 


Brother Max

I would like to begin with the type of person I was before and the background I came from; raised in Peru, with Catholic influences, that were mere traditions with no true devotion. People were all talk and did things to be seen by others in the church, we actually have a form of lent in Peru where one stops eating meat on Easter Friday until Sunday, the day Christ resurrected and you could see all people participating, even the food shops...

Brother Nicholas

I started off by being the guy everyone knew, popular, in other words. I was the funny guy, the class clown. But this is what everyone saw on the outside. On the inside I had a broken heart. I tried to find ways of feeling loved. Every night I laid down and just cried myself to sleep. NO ONE knew this. I always tried to push it deep down. But that pain just let itself it out at night, when I was alone. I always thought no one loved me - even though people always remined me that they love me. I just wanted to feel loved...

Brother Robert

It was a Sunday morning, late March in year 2023, when all my plans to go on a road trip offered by a friend had been stopped. I could not explain the strong sort of energy that changed my mind from going on the road trip. Since I had already prepared myself to go, I then had borrowed a phone to contact Brother David letting him know that I will be coming to Mlolongo, where they were staying initially to visit Mum Diana before she had left for London.

Sister Sweatha

Before I came to Christ, I was clinically depressed. I am someone who had been through two suicide attempts, failing both times. I always tried my best to keep all my feelings hidden, I had become so skilled at it. I had no hope at all. It was as if I was an empty vessel, I was so lost, merely wandering through the days, wondering when they would end. I had times where all I would do is cry, nothing else but cry. Sometimes unable to function, I had good days and bad days. There was no reason for me to feel the way I did...

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